S.No. | Idiom | Equivalent Hindi | Meaning | Example |
1. | Every nook and corner | कोना कोना | हर कोना या हर स्थान | They searched every nook and corner of house for the golden ring. |
2. | To go hand in hand | साथ साथ चलना या संगत होना
 | संगत बैठना | Mathematics and Physics go hand in hand in certain chapters of school. |
3. | While away | समय व्यर्थ गँवाना | समय गँवाना | Do not while away your time on social media. |
4. | Blow your nose. | नाक साफ करना | नाक साफ करना | Before delivering speech he cleared his nose by blowing, inside toilet. |
5. | By hook or crook | जिस किसी तरह | येन केन प्रकारेण, साम दाम दंड भेद किसी भी तरह | We need our government in all states, by hook or crook. |
6. | Answer the call of nature | मूत्रत्याग या शौच के लिए जाना | लघुशंका या दीर्घशंका निवारण करना | Whenever a sensitive issue comes, he goes out to answer the call of nature. |
7. | Have a feather in one's cap | उच्च उपलब्धि होना | सर पर ताज रखा होना | He is not only prime minister but also strongest party head, so he has two feathers in his cap. |
8. | Keep the wolf out of door. | भुखमरी से खुद को बचाकर रखना | दाने दाने को मोहताज होना, लाले पड़ना | Bengali families were hardly keeping the wolf out of door during famine. |
9. | Throw cold water on someone's pelasure | किसी की खुशियों पर ठंडा पानी डालना | खुशी पर बुरी नजर डालना | He throws cold water on our pleasures every time we come out to enjoy. |
10. | To turn deaf ears on someone's words | किसी के शब्दों पर कान न देना | कान नहीं देना | Defence Minister had warned the village of the attack, but village head turned deaf ears on his words. |
11. | Stop short of something | थोड़े से रह जाना | ज़रा से पीछे रह जाना | He just stopped short of beating me when I accidentally kicked him. |
12. | Being busy doing nothing | समय बर्बाद करना | समय गँवाना | The leader was busy doing nothing, and people were suffering. |
13. | To be touched | भावविभोर होना | दिल को छू जाना | When the Prime Minister talked to him in the crowd, he was touched. |
14. | Room for improvement | सुधार की गुंजाइश | सुधार की जगह होना | Though we are satisfied with your work, but there is still room for improvement. |
15. | Chicken hearted | डरपोक | डरपुक्का | Although he is careful of enemies a lot, but he is not chicken hearted. |
16. | Chuckle in their sleeves | छिपाकर हँसना | खिखियाना | When the boss asked them for the work again, they chuckled in their sleeves. |